The British Science Association is proud to be the UK partner of The Story Collider, an American organisation that brings true, personal stories about science to life through live shows and a weekly podcast.  

As the UK Partner for The Story Collider, we will be running events across the country where scientists, doctors, artists, actors, writers and many others will share true stories with a science twist 

Ben Lillie, co-founder of The Story Collider said: “We're incredibly excited to be working with the BSA on a UK-based Story Collider series. We succeed when we get science stories from the widest range of voices possible, and I can't wait to hear what comes from London and beyond.” 

This partnership will help to support the BSA vision of seeing science as part of our culture and society. Stories are a fundamental element of how culture works - they are how people understand the world and our place in it. True stories, told live, are a powerful tool for creating emotional connections and expressing the human side of science.  

Head of Engagement, Ivvet Modinou said: At the BSA, we’re interested in breaking down stereotypes and challenging perceptions of science – and scientists. We’re really pleased to be working with The Story Collider to strengthen people’s connection and engagement with science 

The aim of The Story Collider is to act as a bridge between science and society, to help people see the effect of science in all of our lives, and to give scientists the tools to understand and interact with the broader culture. 

The first event in this partnership was a flagship event for British Science Week and took place on Thursday 17 March 2016 at the Round Chapel in Hackney. Our highlights film is below:

The next events will be taking place in September and October.  Dates, venues and speaker details will be announced soon.  Keep an eye on our What's On section for further details.


Image credit:  Nicholas Santasier